At Rivermead Primary School, we believe an inclusive school is one in which the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every pupil really matter.
The arrival of the national curriculum has allowed us to create a ‘Rivermead Curriculum’ which is enriching, engaging and interesting, and enables children to gain knowledge, master skills, express their individual talents and develop a love of learning. We want your child to be happy and confident, equipped with the attributes, skills and knowledge that will endure beyond their time at Rivermead.
Effective learning and teaching is promoted through an emotionally supportive environment and a culture of mutual respect, high expectations and aspirations. As a school, we provide a vibrant, happy and safe learning environment which enables every child to achieve the best they can regardless of gender, ethnic or social background or educational needs.
Through the curriculum, we endeavour to make learning vivid and real, through enquiry, creativity, the use of appropriate technology, developing problem-solving skills. In addition, we promote the importance of healthy lifestyles, respect for the environment, and the value of tolerance and mutual respect. We believe our curriculum has been developed to prepare our pupils for the responsibilities and opportunities that arise throughout life in a multicultural and technological society.
Our aims to support all learners
- To provide a vibrant, happy and safe learning environment which enables every learner to achieve the best they can regardless of gender, ethnic or social background or educational needs
- To promote the importance of healthy life-styles, respect for the environment and the value of personal relationships based on mutual respect
- To prepare all learners for the responsibilities and opportunities that arise throughout life in a multi-cultural and technological society.
Our aims for all learners – children & adults
- Everyone is different, everyone is valued
- Know your strengths and understand mistakes are an important part of learning
- It’s ok to express your feelings; it’s how you deal with them that counts
- Be proud of who you are, your talents and achievements
- To respect and care for self, others and the environment
- Know we all make a difference.
Curriculum Overviews
- Curriculum Overview
- EYFS Curriculum Overview
- Year 1 Curriculum Overview
- Year 2 Curriculum Overview
- Year 3 Curriculum Overview
- Year 4 Curriculum Overview
- Year 5 Curriculum Overview
- Year 6 Curriculum Overview
Categorising Knowledge
- Art
- Computing
- Design and Technology
- French
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religion and Worldviews
- Science