
Welcome to the Governors section of our website. The Governor’s role is to act as a “critical friend” to the school and the Senior Leadership Team, offering help, support and advice as and when required. Governors have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles:

  • Setting strategic direction
  • Ensuring accountability
  • Monitoring and evaluating school performance

We have two types of advisors:

  • Parent Advisors: Parents of children at the school.
  • Community Advisors: Members of the local community.

Please see the information on governor attendance at meetings and the register of business interests below. You will also find a link to the policy on governors’ allowances below. Any queries should be directed to:
The Chair of the Governors or The Clerk to the Governing Body,
Rivermead Primary School,
Loddon Bridge Road,
RG5 4BS.

Governors Structure:

  • Sanjay Desai (Advisor development and staff welfare lead)
  • Laura Garner (Learning and Teaching Lead & Maths Link)
  • Jeremy Writer (Standards and Assessments Lead & Science Link)
  • Owen Lloyd (Reading Link Advisor)
  • Sarah Stuckey/Hannah Turner (EYFS Link Advisor)

You can view our Policy on Governors Allowances (Expenses) on our Policies page by clicking here.