At Rivermead we believe that the successes of children are achieved more effectively if the school and parents are working in partnership, and we strongly encourage parents to be involved not only helping their child to learn, but in the wider aspects of the school.
Learning in Partnership
The school staff aims to work with you through a variety of formal and informal contacts, to help your child get the best from the time they spend in school. Each year the school holds a “Meet the Teacher” session. Parents are introduced to the teams, and receive an outline of school & home learning and the team’s expectations. We also hold parent/teacher consultations in the autumn and spring terms. At those meetings, you will have the chance to meet your child’s teacher individually and share educational, social and medical issues. There will also be an opportunity to discuss your child’s targets and progress. We believe that children need to know that home and school are working together. Co-operation between home and school will assist your child in making good progress overall. In addition, the school holds Information Evenings annually on topics such as phonics, reading, maths, writing and e-safety. These aim to give an outline of the teaching at school, and more importantly, to give examples and ideas of how you can support your child with their learning at home.
End of Year Report & Test Results
At the end of the summer term, you will be sent your child’s annual report. In Foundation this includes the Early Years Profile.
National curriculum assessment will be reported to parents:
- EYFS baseline results
- Year 1 phonics screening result
- Year 4 time-tables check
- Year 6 end of year SATs
In all year groups from Years 1 to 6 you will receive details of end of year teacher assessments relating to age related expectations in English (writing and reading) and Maths.
Keeping Parents Informed
We feel that it is important to keep in close contact with parents, both on an individual and a general basis. Our newsletter, ‘The Rivermead Round-Up’ is published weekly informing the community of exciting events, trips, learning of the week, termly calendar, PTA news and includes a special section on children’s achievements. At the beginning of each term you will receive a Learning & Teaching News giving details of the topics, homework, clubs and visits that are planned for each year group. Included also is a diary of events covering the term. The school uses a text message system to convey urgent or emergency messages e.g. school closure or last-minute cancellation of clubs etc.
Working with Parents
An excellent way of becoming involved in Rivermead life is to help with activities and educational trips. We also encourage parents to help us in school during lessons, however we do not place parent help into the class of their child/children. All helpers are required to have a Disclosure & Barring Service clearance and sign a confidentiality agreement before working with children. If you are interested in being a ‘Parent Helper’ please speak to the School Office team.
Rivermead Primary School Website
The school has developed a new website which is an online space accessible by children, school staff, parents and governors where information, online tools and learning resources can be shared. The website is developing, improving and evolving constantly. It is an important tool helping to extend the good practice within the school beyond the school gates and into the home.
Traffic around the School
We do ask that you help the school by restricting your car use on Addington Gardens (the school driveway), where there is limited parking along the school building, beside the residential area and in the parking bays. Please do not park in front of the school gates or on ‘yellow lines’. We would appreciate if you could park considerately around the surrounding roads, respecting our neighbours and do not park in the resident parking spaces in the housing estate beside the school. The school car park is for authorised and staff cars only.
Rivermead Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
The school has a well-established and active Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) to which all parents automatically belong without subscription. The PTA is a hardworking, dedicated and enthusiastic team, with its prime objective being to raise funds to complement the learning and development facilities within the school, from which all our children benefit. A focal point at the end of the school day is the PTA Shed which is open for parents to obtain information, find out about future events, to offer help and buy second-hand uniform. The PTA not only raises valuable funds for school but provides a range of activities for the children and for our school’s families to bring the Rivermead community together. Events include: termly discos for children; movie nights; winter and summer fairs; non-uniform days and an egg-hunt at Easter. If you would like to become a member of the PTA or would simply like to help with some events over the year, please make contact with a member at the PTA shed. We would very much welcome your interest and help.
“The school is very approachable and parent-school relationships are good. Children are confident and
happy.” – Year 3 parent